How many times have you been enthusiastic and ready to write an article for your business blog but came up empty?
Many small-to-medium sized businesses wrestle with what to write. The usual end-result is to walk away and “save it for another day”, comforting yourself with the notion that “inspiration” hasn’t landed. Meanwhile, your blog page is not populated regularly which means that people are not finding your business online because Google Analytics isn’t registering any clicks, page visits or other activity.
Businesses with a blog page on their website that don’t regularly post articles are missing an opportunity to engage with their existing and potential customers. Research has shown that people like to buy from people they know. Effectively writing and posting blog articles can be used to build familiarity and trust with customers and prospects.
Blog articles can be written either from a personal or business perspective. Having a strategic plan where both these perspectives are used can add depth to your blog articles and reach a wider audience.
Blog articles written from a personal perspective can be used to tell stories about your business. It could be how you learned from a particular experience, how you were able to achieve something significant or how you were able to recover from a crisis or mistake. Telling authentic stories helps you to build relationships by triggering emotions to connect with your audience.
Blog articles written from a business perspective can be used to supplement marketing efforts. Topics that build awareness about your business, product or service are ideal. With a focus to educate and inform, you can begin to engage your audience and build a relationship.
Once your article is written and posted, teasers can be broadcast through social media channels, linking to your website’s blog page. This can help generate website traffic which in turn increases clicks and provides data for Google Analytics to track, which helps in your website ranking for searches.
So, take another look at including blog articles as part of your marketing plan to engage with customers, build credibility and develop a following. In time, you will attract and convert prospects into customers.
To help your small business get on the right marketing track CA14 has a series of hour-long FastTrack workshops on a variety of marketing topics, such as Creating Content for your Business Blog. All workshops are offered at $14.00. To check out additional topics, dates, times and register, visit our FastTrack Learning page.
Kathy Majkut
Content Development, Copywriting