Social media scams

Home » Social media scams
Social Media Scams - drawing of a hand holding a phone

As our reliance on digital platforms has grown, so too has the capacity for those platforms to be used as a tool for scammers looking to steal your identity, money or whatever else they can benefit from.

Most of the common online scams are well-known – the Nigerian email scam is the most cited example. But still, unscrupulous operators continue to come up with more creative ways to lure clicks, and steal information. And as such, it’s worth staying up to date to ensure you don’t fall into the traps.

To help with this, the team, from Panda Security have put together this infographic which outlines some of the latest scams, and what you need to watch for.

There are some key tips in here – and even if you don’t think you need this advice, no doubt you know someone who does.

Picture of Sue Walker

Sue Walker

Social Media
